What goes through my head


More than a Stomach ache

The second week of camp has officially come to an end. It is the weekend, I am doing the usual hang out at a coffee shop, watch movies, try to keep myself occupied. I finished a 400 page book in a week. Anyways this week at camp, there were a lot of symptoms that were, not real. There was a lot of homesick kids, they were looking for a little attention and love, fortunately I can give that. I found that I was given a lot of private information into the kids home life, it was really kind of interesting. It is true that your family/home life really does shape you. The symptoms manifested them selves as stomach aches, head aches, hurt ankles (without swelling or bruising), nothing that a little Gatorade or ice and some TLC didn't fix. I see how I have a special opportunity to speak into these kids lives. I am not really sure where I am going with this, I guess I am just rambling, its probably the lack of human contact I've had the last two days. Weekends are long here. It rained last night. I guess that is all that I have to say, nothing real exciting. Ha welcome to my world!

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