What goes through my head


A bloody, bloody, bloody day

Yesterday was a bloody day in the health center, first 3 cuts fingers thanks to the pumpkin carving elective. Then I am just sitting in the health center, it is quiet, its cabin time right before dinner, when I heard someone (a counslor) yell, "nurse we have a bleeding head here", I respond with "are you serious" as I jump up and grab some gloves, I ask the poor little guy his name, and remove the tissue, stiches, I know it right away. Thank goodness, the administrator that was on, was right there, on the phone calling the teachers, and the urgent care clinic to let them know we were sending them in. The story: the kids were messing around in the cabin, they were running, one kid pushed another kid, the pushed kid fell, and hit his head on the bunk bed, causing a gash in his head. I know I shouldn't be excited that kids got hurt, and I am not, but I was happy to have something to do, and it was pretty exciting. I feel a little bad about being so happy about the injuries. I kinda felt like Christina from Grey's Anatomy, (I love that show), she really enjoys, and gets off on bloody surgery's.

I have been babysitting for my friends here, I am watching their 9 month old now, he is so happy and cute right now. I actually really enjoy it, because first I love kids, second, they have a tv with cable, and internet, so it makes me feel some normalacy, which is great, and they have a dog to play with too, so it like being in a real home, not just a place to stay, like where I am living.

It is cool and cloudy today, just like back at home, it is actually a nice change, makes me want to cuddle up by the fire with a good cup of coffee. There are a couple storms moving in tonight, and this weekend, according to the news, which I am watching on the tv. Its a good day.

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