What goes through my head


AND…………..He Spoke

I have been feeling very insecure about helping out with the Leaders Conference. I don’t have much confidence in hearing God. Today we had a prayer meeting and I was a little nervous about it. I am a little intimidated by all of this, I feel so small compared to these amazing people who have much more experience than me. I know all of the people and feel comfortable with them, but all this feels so beyond me. I went to the prayer meeting, and it started off by thanking God for all that He has done in our group, and all the experiences that we have shared together. Now I have shared a few experiences with these people, but most of them have been working together for 10 or more years, so I don’t have as many, and was feeling a little out of place. So I sat silently, trying to look like I was really trying to hear God. Then they all shared how grateful they are that I am working with them, and that they are really excited to have me as part of the team. Now I am relaxing a little bit. Then…..I am given something to pray for, something I don’t know anything about. Of course, God actually did speak to me, and it was amazing. I got a picture that someone else had (confirmation), and there were a few more details too. It seemed that suddenly there was a breakthrough and lots of things started falling into place and began making sense. It was incredible!!! I walked away amazed, shocked, and excited to be involved in this conference and with these people.

As you are aware, based upon my last several posts, things have been tough. I have spent much time in the last week or so with God. I have jumped off some cliffs as I am climbing this mountain, but things seem to be looking up. Now nothing has really changed in my life, not physically anyways, but something is definitely different. I am sure that these two new opportunities have played a part, because as small, scared and insignificant as I feel, I at least feel like I am doing something and a part of something that is impacting the world. I am hoping and praying that I am really, truly, finally, brinking on the breakthrough.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Jen! We never connect! I want to talk to you and see how you are doing. I miss you!

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