What goes through my head


Stepping back -- Vision Clearing

I am stepping back, back from the insanity that I have been living in. It takes some effort, I have to force myself to rest, but I am doing it. Today I read a scripture and the parallels to my life were astonishing. Mark 8:22-26; it is about a blind guy that Jesus ultimately heals. First the blind mans friends had to help him leave the village. I would assume that the village is home or at least a place of familiarity. Once the blind man is outside the village, also away from people, Jesus approaches him. Jesus then proceeds to spit in the guy’s eyes, now I would actually be offended by this, but after the spitting, Jesus puts his hands on the guys eyes and speaks to them. Then Jesus asks the blind man if he can see? The blind man responds, he can see people, but they look like trees. This implies that the man was able to see at some point prior to his blindness. He does not tell Jesus that the healing is not complete, but it is obvious that it is not finished. Without asking, Jesus repeats the process, and the man’s sight is completely restored. Jesus instructions to the man now are to go home, but do not return to the village. This tells me that the village was not home, but also that there was something that was affecting this mans sight in the village. So how does this relate to me? Well I have decided to step back, in the process of stepping back I realized that I have lost all perspective. As I am stepping back, my vision, perspective, is getting clearer. Now it is not totally clear, but I know that it will become completely restored. I had to leave my village, and I had to have friends that would go with me. Once my vision is completely restored, I will return “home”, but not back to my village. The village has been one of familiarity. I do not know exactly what all of this means for me, or what it will end up looking like, but I do know that I am excited, and I am expecting good things to come out of this “stepping back”. Good things are happening, and as I am stepping back, and seeing clearer, all the things have not been in vain, God has been there the whole time, even though He has spit in my eyes. I am seeing where in reality I have been on the front lines of something much, much, much bigger than I ever thought, or even dreamt of. My eyes are small, and have limited vision, but with God there is so much to see. I will write more later and hopefully be able to include more details then. For now I wait with expectancy and excitement.

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